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telecommunications against trafficking and exploitation 3Strands


Risposta al trauma e comprensione per i datori di lavoro

3Strands Global Foundation (3SGF) mobilita le comunità per combattere la tratta di esseri umani attraverso programmi di educazione alla prevenzione e reinserimento. Per oltre un decennio, abbiamo lavorato a stretto contatto con i sopravvissuti alla tratta di esseri umani, le persone che hanno subito traumi e altre comunità vulnerabili. Questo ci ha fornito prospettive uniche e inestimabili sugli impatti del trauma sul posto di lavoro e sull'importanza vitale di essere informati sul trauma.

Dal 2016, 3SGF collabora con i sopravvissuti e le imprese per creare ambienti di lavoro sostenibili e informati sui traumi. Abbiamo visto in prima persona come un ambiente di lavoro favorevole può favorire dipendenti risoluti.


This 30-minute training program provides industry-specific education on key indicators of human trafficking that can be observed while on the job, and is designed to raise awareness about the various forms of exploitation, such as forced labor, sex trafficking and child exploitation. The RAN training also provides detailed reporting steps to notify the proper authorities in a timely and effective manner to ensure a prompt response.

Communication Tower

Together, we can harness the power of a vigilant workforce dedicated to making an impact for good and create a safer world for everyone.


Apex Rise Above incredible sponsors of 3Strands
Vertical Bridge Charitable Network incredible sponsors of 3Strands
Legacy incredible sponsors of 3Strands
QTC amazing sponsor of TATE program
3Strands TATE program telecommunications against trafficking and exploitation.
BrooksLjung sponsor of 3Strands program
Wicomm amazing sponsors for telecommunications against human trafficking and exploitation
Talley amazing sponsors for telecommunications against human trafficking
Digital Gadgets


Join us in this human trafficking prevention effort as a program sponsor by reaching out to or by clicking here to learn more.

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