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Rotary International Convention
3SGF Speaking Date TBD
Rotary International organizes a “Rotary International Convention” every year. The goal of the conference is to bring together members of the Rotary International family from around the world and give them a platform to exchange ideas and come together in friendship.
Join to hear a special update and thank you to our Rotary supporters from Ashlie Bryant!
Why Measuring the Impact of Doing Good Matters
February 16th, 2021
Tracking your nonprofit’s impact not only improves the services you provide, but can also tell an important story for fundraisers and grantmakers.
3Strands Global Foundation, an organization combatting human trafficking for more than 11 years, knows this to be true. From the beginning, they focused on making sure the outcomes of each program were measured, improved, and then measured again.
Watch 3SGF's chief executive officer, Ashlie Bryant, as she discusses how taking a quantitative approach to measuring social impact has changed the trajectory for 3SGF and how QuestionPro has been a game-changing accelerator in this effort.