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Professional Woman


Risposta al trauma e comprensione per i datori di lavoro

3Strands Global Foundation (3SGF) mobilita le comunità per combattere la tratta di esseri umani attraverso programmi di educazione alla prevenzione e reinserimento. Per oltre un decennio, abbiamo lavorato a stretto contatto con i sopravvissuti alla tratta di esseri umani, le persone che hanno subito traumi e altre comunità vulnerabili. Questo ci ha fornito prospettive uniche e inestimabili sugli impatti del trauma sul posto di lavoro e sull'importanza vitale di essere informati sul trauma.

Dal 2016, 3SGF collabora con i sopravvissuti e le imprese per creare ambienti di lavoro sostenibili e informati sui traumi. Abbiamo visto in prima persona come un ambiente di lavoro favorevole può favorire dipendenti risoluti.


While providing a foundational understanding of trauma, this lesson explores what trauma is, its various causes and manifestations, and how it can impact individuals' lives. Participants learn about common reactions to trauma and gain insights into the physiological, psychological, and emotional effects trauma can have on individuals.


Participants learn about types of approaches and strategies for responding to trauma. They explore the importance of empathy, active listening, and validation in supporting individuals who have experienced trauma. The lesson may cover techniques for creating a safe and supportive environment and offering appropriate resources and referrals to those in need.


This lesson focuses on developing effective communication skills in a trauma-informed manner. Participants learn about the importance of clear and compassionate communication when interacting with individuals who have experienced trauma. They may explore techniques for fostering trust, promoting open dialogue, and avoiding re-traumatization through language and non-verbal cues.

Student in Library
Smiling Student in Lecture


This lesson focuses on developing effective communication skills in a trauma-informed manner. Participants learn about the importance of clear and compassionate communication when interacting with individuals who have experienced trauma. They may explore techniques for fostering trust, promoting open dialogue, and avoiding re-traumatization through language and non-verbal cues.

The TRUE training equips employers with the necessary knowledge and skills to recognize trauma, respond appropriately, and create a supportive and trauma-informed workplace environment. By understanding the impact of trauma on individuals' lives, employers can better support their employees' mental, emotional, and professional well-being. 

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