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Yellow Vest


Acreditamos que os vídeos contam histórias poderosas. Confira alguns de nossos vídeos informativos e curtas-metragens!


PROTECT: Education Program

The PROTECT Program empowers communities to work together to stay safe through a focus on education by learning about things like safety, personal boundaries, abuse, and more.



Telecommunications professionals have a unique vantage point as they are traveling the country, this is just one story.


The Hope of Prevention

Giving Tuesday reimagines a world built upon shared humanity and generosity. Join us in the hope of prevention


Tate Promo

Leaders in the telecommunications industry have partnered with 3Strands Global Foundation (3SGF), a Sacramento-based nonprofit working to end human trafficking throughout the US. T


Hope Exists

A true story of the impact that 3SGF has had, thanks to those that support our work.

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