3Strands 全球基金会 (3SGF) 通过预防教育和重返社会计划动员社区打击人口贩运。十多年来,我们与人口贩运幸存者、遭受创伤的个人以及其他弱势群体密切合作。这为我们提供了关于创伤在工作场所的影响以及了解创伤的重要性的独特而宝贵的观点。
自 2016 年以来,3SGF 一直与幸存者和企业合作,打造可持续的、了解创伤的工作场所环境。我们亲眼目睹了支持性工作环境如何培养坚定的员工。
While providing a foundational understanding of trauma, this lesson explores what trauma is, its various causes and manifestations, and how it can impact individuals' lives. Participants learn about common reactions to trauma and gain insights into the physiological, psychological, and emotional effects trauma can have on individuals.
Participants learn about types of approaches and strategies for responding to trauma. They explore the importance of empathy, active listening, and validation in supporting individuals who have experienced trauma. The lesson may cover techniques for creating a safe and supportive environment and offering appropriate resources and referrals to those in need.
This lesson focuses on developing effective communication skills in a trauma-informed manner. Participants learn about the importance of clear and compassionate communication when interacting with individuals who have experienced trauma. They may explore techniques for fostering trust, promoting open dialogue, and avoiding re-traumatization through language and non-verbal cues.
This lesson focuses on developing effective communication skills in a trauma-informed manner. Participants learn about the importance of clear and compassionate communication when interacting with individuals who have experienced trauma. They may explore techniques for fostering trust, promoting open dialogue, and avoiding re-traumatization through language and non-verbal cues.
The TRUE training equips employers with the necessary knowledge and skills to recognize trauma, respond appropriately, and create a supportive and trauma-informed workplace environment. By understanding the impact of trauma on individuals' lives, employers can better support their employees' mental, emotional, and professional well-being.
Who can (and should) sign up?Anyone and everyone who is in the workforce! This is particularly helpful for HR, managers, supervisors, and business owners but there is information in the training that is beneficial to each employee.
How much does it cost?$50/ per person but if implementing business-wide or to a large group, they can reach out for a blanket cost. Not sure if we should put this but we can do special rates for Non-profit/small businesses.
What is the process to register?Go to empowerment.3sgf.org/courses/TRUE and follow the steps to sign up.
How long will it take?30 minutes is all it takes!